Look at you, walking into this website with purpose! Too bad this website is still being built but I really hope you stop by again in the future!
This layout is still under construction, I put up a draft drawing just so I can start coding her right meow.
October 15, 2024 I basically finished my book page. The primary purpose is for the bookbug digital book club, but I wanted more usability to celebrate my general love of reading. It's wild how complicated the coding got because I used a template, but I wanted to utilize tags so I wouldn't have to make a million different pages just for books, and my coding brain melted.
October 8, 2024 Wowowow coding the grid links on the bottom screen of the 3DS took a shockingly long amount of time and it's still not quite what I had in my little head of mine when I envisioned it. It's okay though, I REALLY learned a lot about code, which I guess is the joy of it all hehe.